
Hadlow Preparatory School is an integrated Anglican primary school for boys and girls located on High Street in Masterton.

We Started in 1929

Our special character school has a wonderfully rich history, dating back to 1929 when it was originally founded as a private boarding school for boys. By 1961, our roll had jumped from 18 to 100, but it took until 1999 before Hadlow became the integrated primary school of 200 students we know today.

See Our Heritage Today

Walking around the school grounds, you can still see the school’s character in our heritage buildings and in the well-established trees that grow on the school’s five-hectare property.

Hadlow’s long association with a child-centred approach to education is evident in our early motto, “Through Determination to Success”.

Innovative Teaching and Learning

Today, although the original motto still remains, our school is becoming better known for its innovative approach to teaching and learning, which emphasises self-management, self-motivation and independence – the behaviours today’s children need to succeed in the modern world.